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肖像油画 人物油画 动物油画 风景油画 花卉油画 装饰油画 抽象油画 工艺设计


来源:中华当代美术家协会Dailyart | 作者:爱油画网 | 发布时间: 2024-10-11 | 53 次浏览 | 分享到:

布面油画 94.7X100.1cm 让-路易斯.弗兰

      弗兰 (Jean-Louis Forain) 最初通过为各种法国报纸和杂志创作讽刺插画而获得认可的,在他职业生涯的早期,他以版画、素描、水彩画和粉彩画而闻名。他的大部分作品取材于巴黎的夜生活,和他的朋友兼导师德加 (Degas) 一样很迷恋芭蕾舞。在19世纪80年代,弗兰开始更频繁地从事油画工作,并参加了1879年、1880年、1881年和1886年的印象派展览。

       画中人曾经被认为是德加朋友的渔夫迭戈·马尔泰利 (Diego Martelli) 被以一种幽默地方式描绘,坐在悬在平静河流上的长木板末端,拿着他的竿,身边的小狗摇摇晃晃地试图保持平衡。值得注意的是,这幅画捕捉到了黄昏时光线消退的令人回味的气氛。它构图大胆,几乎都是简单的几何形状,这极有可能是弗兰的朋友保罗·卡萨伊赞给他带来的影响。


Jean-Louis Forain initially gained recognition for his satirical illustrations in various French newspapers and magazines. In the early stages of his career, he was known for his engravings, sketches, watercolors, and pastels. Much of his work was inspired by the nightlife of Paris and, like his friend and mentor Degas, he was fascinated by ballet. In the 1880s, Forain began to work more frequently in oil painting and participated in Impressionist exhibitions in 1879, 1880, 1881, and 1886. The figure in the painting was once believed to be Diego Martelli, a fisherman and friend of Degas, depicted in a humorous manner, sitting at the end of a long plank suspended over a calm river, holding his fishing rod, with a small dog wobbling beside him trying to maintain balance. Notably, the painting captures a evocative atmosphere as the light fades in the evening. It features a bold composition, almost entirely composed of simple geometric shapes, which was likely influenced by Forain's friend Paul Cassirer. In this painting, Forain employs a unique approach to his subject, presenting the entire scene against an almost abstract background.