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肖像油画 人物油画 动物油画 风景油画 花卉油画 装饰油画 抽象油画 工艺设计


来源:中华当代美术家协会Dailyart | 作者:爱油画网 | 发布时间: 2024-10-11 | 51 次浏览 | 分享到:

现代灰姑娘 布面油画 91.4X70.8cm  路易斯 乔普林 1875

     露易丝·乔普林 (Louise Jopling) 是19世纪晚期伦敦一位杰出的女艺术家,她在她那个时代最出门的艺术圈中活动。她出生于英国曼彻斯特,曾在巴黎师从查尔斯·查普林 (Charles Chaplin)。查普林是一位以只接受女学生而闻名的浪漫主义肖像和风景画家。他的学生中有著名的美国印象派画家玛丽·卡萨特 (Mary Cassatt)。在查普林的指导下,乔普林获得了从裸体模特身上学习解剖学的难得机会——这在维多利亚时代的英格兰对女性艺术家来说几乎是不可能的。




 Louise Jopling was an eminent female artist in late 19th century London, active in the most prominent art circles of her time. Born in Manchester, England, she studied in Paris under Charles Chaplin, a renowned Romantic portrait and landscape painter known for accepting only female students. Among his students was the famous American Impressionist painter Mary Cassatt. Under Chaplin's tutelage, Jopling had the rare opportunity to study anatomy from nude models—an almost impossible task for female artists in Victorian England. In 1878, Jopling exhibited "The Modern Cinderella" at the Third Paris World Exposition. This compelling image evokes the familiar Cinderella story: after unjust oppression comes triumph. The essential shoe is placed in the foreground, establishing identity, while the clock reflected in the mirror has passed midnight, and Cinderella has hung up her gown. Her black boots and casual attire are draped over a chair in the right foreground. Although narrative elements are scattered throughout the painting, its meaning remains elusive. The artist's easel is also reflected in the mirror, suggesting the background environment could be Jopling's studio. Was she performing as Cinderella in this scene? Was she both the painter and the model? Could this be a self-portrait of her in Pre-Raphaelite aesthetic clothing? Or was she hinting that her success as a female artist was undermined, symbolized by removing an expensive gown? Ultimately, Jopling challenges the viewer to interpret the ambiguous narrative of the painting, leaving room for multiple interpretations. P.S.: Before the 20th century, women had difficulty receiving good art education. This is one reason why female artists proudly painted self-portraits depicting themselves as artists.