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肖像油画 人物油画 动物油画 风景油画 花卉油画 装饰油画 抽象油画 工艺设计


来源:中华当代美术家协会Dailyart | 作者:爱油画网 | 发布时间: 2024-10-11 | 63 次浏览 | 分享到:


阿夫雷村:森林的入口 布面油画 46X35cm  让-巴蒂斯特-卡米尔 柯罗  c.1825

      这幅画作中色彩的鲜艳和光影在泥泞小径上的巧妙捕捉,使其成为卡米尔·柯罗 (Camille Corot) 最迷人的风景画之一。坐着的人物的温暖色调吸引着人们的注意力,就像突出的中央的树林繁茂的树枝一样。柯罗对阿夫雷村周围的乡村很熟悉,因为他家就住在巴黎西边的这个小镇上。这幅画很可能是在1825年柯罗前往意大利之前创作的,并在1850年左右进行了润色。光的构成和处理也可能反映了柯罗对约翰·康斯特勃的画作的回应,后者的画作于19世纪20年代中期在巴黎展出。


The vividness of the colors and the masterful capture of light and shadow on the muddy path in this painting make it one of Camille Corot's most captivating landscapes. The warm tones of the seated figures draw attention to themselves, as do the lush branches of the woods in the prominent center. Corot was familiar with the countryside around Avray because his family lived in this small town west of Paris. The painting was most likely created before Corot traveled to Italy in 1825 and retouched around 1850. The composition and treatment of light may also reflect Corot's response to the paintings of John Constable, whose paintings were exhibited in Paris in the mid-1820s. Side note: Corot was a member of the Barbizon School, a group of French painters interested in depicting nature. Their work and artistic approach inspired another, more famous group of artists...the Impressionists!